Take Control of Your Financial Future
The National Payroll Institute employs Canada’s leading experts in payroll. While they help payroll professionals regularly, they can also provide people like yourself with detailed information about pay.
Canadians who have a better understanding of their pay are able to save money for a larger purchase, navigate the competitive job market, and not be surprised by what ends up in their bank account. That’s why we’ve created the #OwnYourPay.
A paycheque is not always straightforward and easy to interpret, but payroll professionals can help. The sooner you understand your pay, the sooner you can be making financial decisions that benefit you in the short and long-term.
The National Payroll Institute’s Own Your Pay series touches upon many common scenarios faced by employees. From getting hired to leaving your job and everything in-between.
Check out the videos below and you too can #OwnYourPay.