Approved Activities List

The following list details all approved activities that can be used to accumulate Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours.

CPE hours are assigned to a category: Communication/Instruction, Community/Leadership, Continuous Learning, and Work Projects/Initiatives.

Category Description CPE Eligible Hours 
Communication/Instruction Write an article that is published in the Institute's DIALOGUE or other trade publications Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Listen to related Podcast topics, such as payroll, accounting, HR; or soft-skill related such as organizational capacity building, and strategic planning. Based on hours participated
Communication/Instruction Participating in communication and leadership development activities such as Toastmasters Club Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Reading a Professional Magazine such as Dialogue Magazine, Canadian HR Reporter Maximum of 2 hours per year
Communication/Instruction Applied reading of Payroll Best Practice Guidelines and use of the tools and knowledge assessments therein, Institute's Vacation and Privacy publications Q and A's, and other Institute compliance supporting resources. Maximum of 7 hours per year
(this is a new category recognizing that compliance applied knowledge resources are a more relevant source of CPE for payroll professionals)
Communication/Instruction Participate as a guest speaker on payroll at special events. Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Participate in the development of courses for training or post-secondary instruction. Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Provide/receive internal training courses at work Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Teach a course at the post-secondary level. Based on hours contributed
Communication/Instruction Instruction of a professional development seminar. Based on hours contributed
Community/Leadership Contribute your expertise to the Institute as a subject matter expert in various roles. Please complete the SME form to register. Based on hours contributed
Community/Leadership Volunteer in your community. Volunteer roles that can be counted in this category fall under skills and competencies that are transferable, such as directly related to payroll, accounting or HR; or soft-skill related, such as organizational capacity building, and strategic planning. Based on hours contributed
Continuous Learning Participate in conference events sponsored by influencer communities, such as accounting and human resources. Based on hours contributed
Continuous Learning Attend Canada's premier national payroll conference and earn CPE credits at the same time. the Institute 's Conference and Trade Show provides payroll and other business professionals with valuable networking opportunities and a chance to learn about new developments in payroll, government legislation, management strategies, HR and technology. Based on annual conference programming, as advertised.
Continuous Learning Attend Network & Share sessions on current topics of interest to local payroll practitioners, offered by the Institute 's regional branches. Maximum of 3 hours per year
Continuous Learning Attend professional development seminars offered by the Institute. There is a full array of seminars that cater to all levels of payroll professionals. For topic information, click here. Based on hours participated
Continuous Learning Participate in a National Payroll Institute webinar on a topical subject. For a list of upcoming and archived web seminars, click here. Based on hours participated
Continuous Learning CRA, ESDC and Service Canada offer many seminars to businesses in Canada. Based on hours participated
Continuous Learning Attend a networking event hosted by the Institute, including NPW events each September and Certification Recognition events in the spring. Based on hours participated
Continuous Learning Take a post-secondary courses in influencer communities, such as accounting and human resources Up to the maximum required hours can be applied to both the current annual CPE requirement and the following year's requirement
Continuous Learning Participate in seminar or webinar events sponsored by influencer communities, such as accounting and human resources. Based on hours participated
Work Projects/ Initiatives You are involved in large-scale organizational change, such as merging with another organization. Further information may be required by the National Payroll Institute when claiming these hours. Based on hours participated
Work Projects/ Initiatives You are involved in the implementation of a new payroll or HRIS system. Further information may be required by the Institute when claiming these hours. Based on hours participated
Work Projects/ Initiatives You are involved in the introduction of a new workplace program, such as Group Savings Plans (TFSA/RRSP). Further information may be required by the Institute when claiming these hours. Based on hours participated
Continuous Learning PLP courses are considered CPE hours for PCP designated members. Up to the maximum required hours can be applied to both the current annual CPE requirement and the following year's requirement