PLP Course Work Requirement

PLP Course Work

To ensure PLP designation holders have the information and knowledge needed to flourish, completing two core courses is required:

  • Introduction to Payroll Management: Learn what’s required to manage a payroll department, and the tools needed for success.
  • Managerial Accounting: Transfer your post-secondary course covering financial statements, budget preparation, cost accounting methodologies, variance reporting and more.
  • Organizational Behaviour Management: Transfer your post-secondary course covering individual and group behaviour, personality, motivation and leadership theory, communication and conflict resolution.
  • Compensation & Benefits Management: Transfer your post-secondary course covering monetary and non-monetary reward and compensation programs, including incentive plans, profit sharing and employee assistance.

  • Applied Payroll Management: (prerequisite: Introduction to Payroll Management): Perfect your payroll management skills by learning about benchmarking, best practices development, human resources skills and more.

Courses offered online are based on a 13-week schedule (estimated 3 hours per week), for a total of 39 hours, which includes the final exam.

Courses offered through most public post-secondary institutions are based on a 14-week (3 hours per week) timeframe, for a total of 42 hours, which includes the final exam.

A minimum grade of 65% for each course is required to earn a designation.